VENEZIA_the postcard
VENEZIA_the souvenir
Najti pravi par čevljev je podobno nori zaljubljenosti na prvi pogled in zgodi se ti, kadar najmanj pričakuješ. Spontan izlet v eno od mojih najljubših mest (včasih pozabim, kako zelo blizu smo lepoti), se je bližal koncu, ko sem jih zagledala v eni od številnih prodajaln. Približen notranji dialog med mano in mojo nakupovalno vestjo:
Moja vest: Kar lepo naprej korakaj, bella mia...
Jaz: Pa saj so znižani! 40%! Zadnje številke!
Moja vest: Pa saj jih vendar ne rabiš! Najbrž niti nimajo tvoje številke...
(vmeša se moj brat): Ooooo, ti so pa prav zate...Vsaj probaj jih no, da vidiš, kako stojijo...
Moja vest: Ne drzni si odpret teh vrat! Le kam jih boš nosila???
Jaz: Vsepovsod, doh...
Vstopim, pomerim, in bum, sledi takojšen naval evforije(saj pravim, da je podobno zaljubljenosti, potne roke in podobno...). Pogledujem proti bratu in njegovi punci, ki mi navdušeno kimata. Vest je že zdavnaj utišana.
Jaz(sramežljivo): Va bene, le prendo, grazie...:)
* Beneška norost
Finding the right pair of shoes is like falling in love and it happens when you least expect it. Sometimes I forget how close we are to the beauty of Venice...This time, the trip almost ended when I saw them in one shop. The inner dialog between me and my conscience:
C: Just keep walking, bella mia...
Me: But they're 40% off! Last pairs!
C: But you don't need them! Besides, they probably don't even have your number...
(my brother): Ooooo, they're sooo you!!! Just try them on, come on...
C: Don't you dare open that door! Where will you go in those shoes???
Me: Everywhere, doh...
I enter, try them on and bum, there it is, euforia( like falling in love, trust me, even my hands where sweaty...). I look at my brother and his girlfriend, they're saying yes, my conscience doesn't say a word.
Me(shy): Va bene, le prendo, grazie**...:)
* A Venetian madness
** Ok, I'll take them, thank you...