
27. dec. 2009


Pinko, Liu Jo, Guess, Blumarine
Nicole Brundage, S.Ferragamo, Versace, Miu Miu

I guess you can shine on New Years Eve, but still, don't wear everything together, just pick a dress OR a detail. Hope everyone is having a great time...

22. dec. 2009


 Zuhair Murad ss 2010
Ah, Zuhair Murad...Pozabim, kaj bi rada povedala, ko strmim v njegove kreacije, čeprav se vedno znova sprašujem, kje bi jih nosila, če bi katerakoli stvaritev po naključju pristala pod dreveščkom. Doma, na kavču, medtem ko berem knjigo?Zvečer v lokalnem barčku, s kozarcem vina? Na božični večerji z domačimi? Najbrž bi me vsi čudno gledali, in ker se dobro poznam, bi se najbrž končalo s packo na dekolteju. In kako potem opereš tako obleko? Že obstaja razlog, da navadnim smrtnikom ni dosegljiva...

In ko sem v romantičnem razpoloženju, ne morem mimo Firenc. Ta fotografija je nastala med mojim zadnjim obiskom, med sprehodom po vii Tornabuoni (kako lepo je, ko imaš s prijateljico popolnoma enako idejo o tem, kaj je zabavno). Glavna zvezda je seveda čeveljček, ampak prosim, ne morete mimo mojega blaženega izraza na obrazu v ozadnju...:)

In potem poezija, trenutno najljubša je spodnja, v italijanščini (se opravičujem, mislim, da ni slovenskega prevoda).V Italiji postanem še bolj romantična, kako klišejsko..:)

Io sono folle, folle
folle di amore per te.
Io gemo di tenerezza
perche' sono folle, folle
perche' ti ho perduto.
Stamane il mattino era si' caldo
che a me dettava questa confusione,
ma io ero malata di tormento
ero malata di tua perdizione.
Alda Merini

12. dec. 2009

The heart asks pleasure first

I'm not a big fan of cold, but winter can be quite nice when you have:
- fresh fashion magazines on your table
- oranges on your table (love the smell and the taste)
- a fireplace (even if it's small)
- time to dream and sleep and write
- a cozy sweater
- a saturday evening that you spend with your friends drinking wine, talking and laughing
p.s. And if you also have that special someone with you on a day like this, well, than you have absolutely everything...and I envy you :)

11. dec. 2009


My weekend in Florence has turned into a week, but now I'm back, a bit sad beacuse I had a fantastic time...I will post some photos later, today I wanted to make a list of gifts, a list that is a bit optimistic, but hey, why not aim high:) And since I'm redecorating my room, my search has gone beyond clothes/accessories; don't you just love those Cindy lamps(can't decide on the colour, though). 
In reality, I'm easy to please, a body lotion or a fashion magazine, or a panna cotta will do just fine:)

Moj vikend v Firencah se je podaljšal v teden, no, spet sem doma, nekoliko žalostna, ker sem se imela res fantastično...Nameravam objaviti nekaj slik, danes sem hotela objaviti moj seznam daril, nekoliko optimističen, ampak kaj, zakaj ne bi merili visoko:) Trenutno prenavljam spalnico, tako da oprezam za ustreznimi dodatki, naletela sem na nočno lučko Cindy, ki je tudi glede na ceno dokaj ugodna (nikakor ne morem izbrati prave barve). 
V resnici sem precej nezahtevna kar se daril tiče, losjon za telo, revija ali panna cotta, z vsem sem zadovoljna:)

1. dec. 2009



One day in Ljubljana... Sorry, photos aren't any good, and let's not talk about the things in my room(I was too lazy to hide them and I don't have photoshop on this pc:)) Anyway, I'm wearing my new shoes(Il laccio), H&M leggings and belt, Naf Naf t-shirt and a long shirt(can't remember where I bought it). I love those earings, from Florence...
I can't sleep (usually that's not a problem, trust me). Maybe I'm just too excited about the weekend- it's my friend's birthday, so I'll be going to Italy and hopefuly it's going to be great fun!
Sweet dreams everyone.