
29. nov. 2009


NinaNena (ph: Ana Kovač)

Nina&me(yes, I was a model, a very very special occasion)
dress by Nina, shoes from noranapetke

Nina and Nena are two very very talented and creative gals and it is always a pleasure and great fun being around them. They're both students of architecture(like I am) but at the same time also fashion designers and bloggers. Since august they had four fashion shows, all of them very successful( shame on me, I only saw two of them, but I saw all the photos later beacuse they were in every magazine!). Anyway, more details, photos, news on their fun websites/blogs:
Nena's blog

26. nov. 2009

The dream room

from Casaviva (IT)

Small, full of beautiful things, a bedroom that is also a walk-in closet, this room is sooo pretty(if you're at least a bit romantic). But only if you live alone. An average man would probably go crazy sleeping in a white bed surrounded by perfumes, shoes and Aberta Ferretti gowns.

24. nov. 2009


I know, these shoes and an umbrella-makes no sense, but I was thinking, if it doesn't rain heavily it might be possible to walk around and NOT destroy them. And I love these colours!!! 


21. nov. 2009

Desperately seeking ...

I promise I'll start posting regularly, but for now-can't wait to see these two movies/documentaries, about fashion of course. Is there a better way to relax? Is there a better way to find inspiration? Oh, can't wait( desperately seeking inspiration...)!

p.s. Staying in tonight. Movie about Casanova, chocolate cake and fashion magazines. My friend from Milan saw D. Dolce & S. Gabanna dancing in one club last time she went out, and I just can't beat that:)

11. nov. 2009

Wedding of the year

pure beauty-the bride

platinum single loop ring

V tem trenutku sem tako daleč od poroke, kot je le mogoče, zato ne vem, od kod mi razmišljanje o zaročnih prstanih...:) In čeprav se imam za romantično, nikoli, ampak res nikoli nisem v mislih načrtovala svoje poroke(zelo rada pa se jih udeležujem). Potem sem na strani Temple St. Clair zagledala zgornji prstan in se stopila-čudovit je(in nesramno drag).

Mogoče bo pa kakšnemu naključnemu moškemu obiskovalcu te strani pomagal pri izbiri:)
Potem sem se spomnila na aprilsko poroke para, ki je bila še bolj posebna zato, ker sta oba, ženin in nevesta, dva izmed mojih najbojših prijateljev. Poroka je bila sanjska, vse je šlo kot po maslu. Tudi ko je prišla pome moja sestrična in sva ugotovile, da sva praktično oblečeni v iste barve...

10. nov. 2009

6. nov. 2009



atlantis home

the sartorialist

miss sixty


When I saw that Miss Sixty coat I almost collapsed-so perfect but way out of my price range. So now I'm searching for the fabric and then...:) I believe that Red is the perfect colour for november(and not december), since november is so cold, sad and I often feel lonely. You just need a piece in you're wardrobe that screams optimism. And if you can't afford anything else-at least buy a red lipstick.