
1. avg. 2010


1. V omari imaš par novih kosov oblačil.

2. Ne spomniš se, kdaj si nazadnje jokala (ok, razen po ogledu čudovitega francoskega filma Le herisson).

3. V zadnjem času dobiš veliko komplimentov (resnično-sem ponavadi res tako bledolična, da se mi nekaj dni na soncu tako zelo pozna?).

4. Zdrava si. Pika.

5. V svetu, v katerem vsi hitijo in nimajo časa niti za kavo z enomesečno rezervacijo termina, imaš čas da poležavaš. Bereš. Lakiraš nohte. In zaradi tega nimaš niti malo slabe vesti(tako ali tako boš delala celo življenje. Beseda upokojenec pri tvojih 65-tih letih najbrž ne bo več obstajala).

6. Najboljša jed na svetu ni kaviar v dragi restavraciji, temveč krožnik špagetov z morskimi sadeži v kuhinji z razpadajočim ometom.

7. (Še) Vedno imaš strasti.

8. Iti sama nekam ni več nemogoča/ komplicirana ideja. 

9. Mogoče res nimaš poštene cifre na tekočem računu, vendar tudi nimaš minusov. Ali kreditov.

10. Vse te razloge si našla v presentljivo kratkem času.

1. You have some new clothes.
2. You can't remember the last time you've cried (except that one time you watched that beautiful french movie Le herisson).
3. Lately you're getting a lot of compliments(am I usually that pale? A couple of days under the sun and everyone notices your tan).
4. You're healthy.
5. In a world where everyone is in a rush and you can't get a coffee appointment even one month in advance, You have the time to sleep. Read. Choose the right nailpolish. And you don't even feel bad for it(once you'll work you're probably never going to stop.Well at least until you....).
6. The best food in the world is not caviar in an expensive restaurant, but spaghetti with sea food in an small kitchen in Florence.
7. You (still) have passions.
8. To go alone somewhere is not even remotely a complicated task.
9. Perhaps you don't have a nice amount of money on your account. But you also don't have any loans or debts.
10. It didn't took you a lot of time to find these 10 reasons.

2 komentarja:

Nina Stajner pravi ...

hvala za tole! včasih res kar malo pozabimo na dobre stvari

Nena pravi ...

tocno to - cisto cel spisek! i'm so with u! :)